My first drag queen gardener talk


I had my first talk as a drag queen gardener this past weekend. That’s right! I presented my very own talk entitled “Cultivating Diversity: Exploring Queer Contributions in Gardening”. Here are a few photos of the event. I hope is one of many more talks from a drag queen gardener.

Tyffanie with Elizabeth of Queer Connection Lanark in front of thier Lanark County pride flag.

I presented my talk “Cultivating Diversity: exploring Queer contributions in gardening” at the Perth & District Union Library this past Saturday, May 11th, 2024. My first time at the public library in Perth. It was a wonderful venue and a very welcoming audience. I was and am grateful for the opportunity.

This talk was the first part of a series of talks called “Lanark Speaks” spearheaded by Queer Connection Lanark. Queer Connection Lanark is a fabulous volunteer organization to boost 2SLGBTQ+ visibility in Lanark county. Catch more awesome talks from equally fabulous presenters scheduled over the coming month.

Tyffanie presenting slide Lessons from Queer Gardeners. Photo by Alicia Boutlier.
Photo by Alicia Boutlier – chauffeur, friend and photographer
Tyffanie presenting slide Lessons from Queer Gardeners. Photo by Alicia Boutlier -chauffeur, friend and photographer
Photo by Alicia Boutlier – chauffeur, friend and photographer

If you are wondering how I got this gig, I have to tip my hat to Queer Connection Lanark. They called me up a few months ago and said “Tyffanie, we want you to do a talk on gardening!” Wow! Ya… it was that dream call. I wanted to explore my identity as a drag queen gardener. What it meant and how I felt about it. This amazing opportunity fell in my lap. I couldn’t say no.

Photo from the library garden of the library towner. I'm not sure what it was once used for. Maybe a fire station?

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