Tomato Pots Unleashed: How Big Should Your Pot Be?


Surprisingly, the basic tomato plant doesn’t need too much room. According to most websites, a minimum pot size of 12 inches wide and deep is all it takes. From experience, this is true. I have tested growing tomatoes in a 12 inch x 12 inch pot. I got tomatoes. But the yield was small, and the plants stunted. It didn’t help the squirrels got to the 2nd tomato.

When it comes to size, the bigger the better! Growing tomatoes in containers takes up a bunch of nutrients and moisture. A bigger pot will help your tomato get those nutrients and moisture when they need it. Bigger pots have more growing medium which hold onto more nutrients and more moisture throughout the day. A win win for growing that big tomato!

I have these 20 inch plastic pots (but filled up to about 18 inches0. They have been around for several years. Like all these pots, they have drainage holes. You cannot grow tomatoes without drainage holes. Believe it or not, roots need air. Sitting in water will damage them and they may begin to rot.

Tomato pot size
Two large pots growing tomatoes.

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